Thursday, December 6, 2012

Week at a Glance

I Spy on my walk to my Sorbonne course...
Although it may not seem like it to you, I am actually here to study and these past couple weeks have been full of assignments... hence the lack of exciting mid-week posts. With only one week left of classes, all of my assignments are culminating. Fortunately, my work load is a bit less than that of Hopkins, therefore I have been well-prepared.

My walk home

Last Thursday, I gave a 30 minute presentation with two French students in my French grad class on sustainable development. Thankfully, it ultimately turned out well, not without a few glitches along the way, of course. The paper on our presentation, that accounts for the other 50% of our grade, is due today. Joint Seminar: check!

Festive walk to school
On Monday I gave a presentation on the artist Piet Mondrian and the role of trees in his work. I have one more exam for my art history class, then that class is finished as well. Yesterday, Taylor and I gave a presentation on Man Ray for our final for our Political Culture course. Fortunately we finished it a couple weeks ago, in preparation for this crazy week! One more class down! Tomorrow, I have an exam and a paper due for my academic writing course, then I am finished with assignments for that course too!

Soundtrack to study abroad
Fortunately, I was well-prepared for this week and finished most of the work ahead of time in an attempt to alleviate any possible stress. I have been quite enjoying this stress-free lifestyle... hopefully I can continue it. This preparation also freed up time Monday evening and Tuesday to play around Paris with my big-big in my sorority and one of my closest friends Lauren and her friend Saya who were popping through Paris on their european travels on their way home from six months in Africa! As I've mentioned more than a few times, there really are no words to explain just how wonderful it is to reunite with great friends!

Can't believe I go home two weeks from tomorrow!!! Prepare yourself for sappy posts to come...

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