Thursday, December 20, 2012

Last Post

40 posts. 10 countries. 4 months. 1 unforgettable semester. I cannot believe that it is over, and that I am going home tomorrow morning. Words cannot begin to express just how extraordinary this experience has been and how grateful I am. That being said, it was far from easy. The first couple of weeks were definitely an adjustment period and just a bit harder than I expected. I knew in those moments of feeling rather lost and unlike myself, that I would look back and wonder how I ever felt that way. Now, after many character building events, I look back on those moments and understand how I felt that way, but feel so thankful that it has only gone up from there!

I could have never predicted just how this semester turned out. Yes, everyone harps on how amazing abroad is, but even that cannot truly prepare you. I have faced little challenges on a daily basis and have dealt with details I am not going to miss, such as sharing a shower with 5 others, the inability to just pick up the phone, some aspects of the french attitude and service, the smell of stale pee on the metro, and the uncertainty of exactly what I am going to get when I order at a restaurant. I am going to miss the smell of fresh bread spilling out of bakeries, great public transportation, the beautiful architecture and monuments I pass by everyday, the light on the top of the Eiffel tower that calls me home every night, daily fashion inspiration, dinners of warm baguettes, fresh goat cheese and delicious cheap wine, and the constant adventure...just to name a few.

I have frequently been asked whether or not I feel like I have changed. I can say without a doubt: yes. However, I don't know if said change would be noticed by everyone. First, my approach to life has grown. I have come to realize through my big and small adventures that everyday can be an adventure, and every city has unique gifts to offer. I plan to take advantage of each day, even if it is just taking the long way home. Second, I feel like this semester has been a bit of a life cleanse. The combination of spending a fair amount of time alone and being so far away and relatively separated from my normal life has put everything in perspective. I feel as though I am coming back with a new outlook on and greater appreciation for who and what are important in my life.

In our last 36 hours, we worked out for the last time at our janky gym, went to our favorite bar, where the old bar tender who resembles Benjamin Franklin gave us hugs on our way out, danced all night at a new club, stopped by our favorite coffee shop and enjoyed amazing coffee and said goodbye, admired Parc Monceau, a bucket list item, ate lunch at one of our favorite spots, did some vintage shopping and picked up gifts, and enjoyed a glass of wine at the same cafe we went to just 4 months before after our first day of school. And, since we strongly believe that walking is the best way to see cities,  we inadvertently walked by many spots we frequented or places we have wonderful memories along the way. What a perfect ending to a spectacular semester!

Thank you so much to all of you, especially my parents, for your support, encouragement, advice, and love. While my departure is very bittersweet, as I predicted, it is more sweet than bitter. I cannot wait to see my family and friends, I have no regrets about how I spent my time here, and I know this is just the beginning of my love affair with traveling, adventures, and, of course, Paris!! I cannot wait for the next lovely, yet (possibly) short lived experiences to come!

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