Friday, August 31, 2012

A Sweet Respite

Usually when someone makes the bold claim that something is "the best" my curiosity spikes, and I am inclined to test their theory myself. Yesterday a brief rain shower provided the perfect opportunity to try "the best" hot chocolate. When we experienced our first cloudy day yet, we snuck into Angelina to seek cover and warm up.

We obviously ordered a chocolat chaud and a tarte framboise (raspberry tart). It was just as unbelievable as people say it is. With a consistency similar to melted chocolate, they provide you with a side of whipped cream to thin it out a bit.

It was the perfect snack, and by the time we were fully immersed in a sugar coma, the sun was peeking through.

We finished the day with a bit of shopping, hibiscus martinis, and pizza we had been eyeing from the restaurant next to our apartment.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

When Can I Move In?

Yesterday my mom and I went to Versailles. I cannot even think of a comparison to its expansive size and overwhelming beauty. It is like nothing I had ever seen before. Instead of wasting your time with my attempt to summarize it, I have posted some photos. We walked around and rode bikes and ate the worst meal I will have in Paris (its ok, the macaron and salted caramel I snagged on the walk back to our apartment quickly reinstated my faith in French cuisine, and the falafel we ate for dinner made up for it).

We ended the night with delicious sangria that came WITH A SANGRIA SPOON (see post below to understand my excitement) and beautifully crafted gelato (see photo below).

Sangria Spoon!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Yesterday, Day 2 in Paris, we walked all day. 10.8 km. 6.7 miles. This week my mom and I are doing a melange of sight-seeing and practical exploring. The map above shows our trek around le rive gauche, starting with a croissant and a quiche at Gerard Mulot. It was one of those picturesque days where the sky was bright blue, and the clouds looked as though they were painted on.

From there we walked to Reid Hall to see where I will be taking classes. On our way we stumbled on a familiar facade: Brandy Melville, my favorite store in LA. Paris, being the chicest, has been home to the native italian boutique for 5 years, and one of its parisian locations is down the block from Reid Hall. Its reasonably priced and adorable clothing made its way to LA a few years later. This dangerous, yet fabulous, discovery will definitely help with any future homesickness. Talk about retail therapy. 

After sneaking a peek into my beautiful universite, we continued to check out more shopping at Galeries Lafayette and then onto the Eiffel Tower. The last time I had been to the Eiffel Tower was for dinner on my 12th birthday, and it was just as spectacular as I remembered.

After some poulet roti et pommes frites and a freshly filled cannoli, we continued along the river to Notre Dame and ended the night with strawberry mojitos. The french put american ice tea spoons to proper use. My friends and I frequently complain about the need for a sangria fork to enjoy the fruit once the cocktail is finished. This bar served their strawberry mojitos with a straw and ice tea spoon, which made eating the strawberries at the end infinitely easier. 

Off to Versailles for Day 3! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day in Paris


I have slept about 5 hours in the last 2 days. The night before I left I slept about 3 hours and between my two flights I probably slept a total of 2 hours (thank you to the oh-so-kind southern couple behind us who were the only row to have their lights on and chatted loudly enough that even ambien couldn't block them out).

I left LA at 6:45 am Sunday morning, had a layover in Atlanta, then landed in Paris at 6 am Monday morning. Then, my mom and I decided to be adventurous and take the Metro to the apartment we are renting this week. It would have been a great idea if there weren't about 65 total stairs we had to maneuver my two duffels and our 4 carry-ons around. Needless to say, by the time we were climbing the final steps I couldn't think of a less warm welcome to Paris. Then I reached the top of the stairs and was overwhelmed by the beauty of Paris, which was only highlighted by the quietness. Paris at 7 am on a Monday morning is truly spectacular. The streets are calm enough that you can stand in awe in the crisp, fresh sunlight (I took the photos I have posted right after the brutal trek up the stairs).

Now I am sitting in bed, trying desperately to keep my eyes open after an impressively accomplished day. Beginning with an espresso and one of the most spectacular pain au chocolat I have ever tasted, and ending with fabulous french wine and cheese, I managed to fit in some shopping, a crepe and a macaron at Laduree (there is a reason they are renowned, truly the far). Hopefully I will sleep well tonight and wake up on French time, ready to go.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Audrey Knows Best...

Audrey Hepburn once said "Paris is always a good idea." This quote may have something to do with why I'm not nervous in slightest about my time abroad. The only aspect of this experience that I'm not looking forward to is the fact that I have to leave behind my friends at Hopkins. I'm sad that I had to choose between the two. But,  I,  like many girls, am trusting Audrey, and I know that I will not regret my friends and I will be in constant communication anyway!
In only 4 hours I will be loading up the car and heading to the airport. At this point most people would be either freaking out, still packing, or sleeping. I, on the other hand, have packed all my bags, am laying in bed and feel relatively calm.

I can't help but wonder if this lack of anxiousness is going to set me up for complete shock. There is the potential for me to be totally blind-sided by a myriad of details that were overshadowed by my excitement. Then I start to think of things that might be worrisome, or nervousness inducing, and I cannot think of anything. Each item on the list is trumped by the sheer fact that whatever could happen will be occurring IN PARIS. This automatically eliminates any ability for me to complain about it.  So instead I am succumbing to my excitement and letting it lead the way, beginning with a week of Parisian playtime with my mom. See ya in December, America!! The next post will be coming from Paris!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mon Dejeuner de Soleil

Un dejeuner de soleil is a french idiom that literally translates to "a sun's lunch" and is used to describe something that is lovely but short-lived. This is rather applicable as I am approaching my departure for my semester abroad in Paris. At only 4 months long, this experience, and the food, fashion, and adventures that will accompany it, will no-doubt be lovely but short-lived.

Thanks to the recent developments of the 21st century, the tastes of the croissants that fade after devouring, the fashions that shift as I watch the seasons change, and the adventures that feel like only dreams the morning after coming home can all be documented for reminiscing on this blog. In the hope of prolonging the brief beauties I anticipate encountering, I plan to log and share them here.