Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day in Paris


I have slept about 5 hours in the last 2 days. The night before I left I slept about 3 hours and between my two flights I probably slept a total of 2 hours (thank you to the oh-so-kind southern couple behind us who were the only row to have their lights on and chatted loudly enough that even ambien couldn't block them out).

I left LA at 6:45 am Sunday morning, had a layover in Atlanta, then landed in Paris at 6 am Monday morning. Then, my mom and I decided to be adventurous and take the Metro to the apartment we are renting this week. It would have been a great idea if there weren't about 65 total stairs we had to maneuver my two duffels and our 4 carry-ons around. Needless to say, by the time we were climbing the final steps I couldn't think of a less warm welcome to Paris. Then I reached the top of the stairs and was overwhelmed by the beauty of Paris, which was only highlighted by the quietness. Paris at 7 am on a Monday morning is truly spectacular. The streets are calm enough that you can stand in awe in the crisp, fresh sunlight (I took the photos I have posted right after the brutal trek up the stairs).

Now I am sitting in bed, trying desperately to keep my eyes open after an impressively accomplished day. Beginning with an espresso and one of the most spectacular pain au chocolat I have ever tasted, and ending with fabulous french wine and cheese, I managed to fit in some shopping, a crepe and a macaron at Laduree (there is a reason they are renowned, truly the far). Hopefully I will sleep well tonight and wake up on French time, ready to go.

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