Sunday, August 26, 2012

Audrey Knows Best...

Audrey Hepburn once said "Paris is always a good idea." This quote may have something to do with why I'm not nervous in slightest about my time abroad. The only aspect of this experience that I'm not looking forward to is the fact that I have to leave behind my friends at Hopkins. I'm sad that I had to choose between the two. But,  I,  like many girls, am trusting Audrey, and I know that I will not regret my friends and I will be in constant communication anyway!
In only 4 hours I will be loading up the car and heading to the airport. At this point most people would be either freaking out, still packing, or sleeping. I, on the other hand, have packed all my bags, am laying in bed and feel relatively calm.

I can't help but wonder if this lack of anxiousness is going to set me up for complete shock. There is the potential for me to be totally blind-sided by a myriad of details that were overshadowed by my excitement. Then I start to think of things that might be worrisome, or nervousness inducing, and I cannot think of anything. Each item on the list is trumped by the sheer fact that whatever could happen will be occurring IN PARIS. This automatically eliminates any ability for me to complain about it.  So instead I am succumbing to my excitement and letting it lead the way, beginning with a week of Parisian playtime with my mom. See ya in December, America!! The next post will be coming from Paris!!

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