Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Old Habits and New Tricks

Maddi, Taylor, Me and Maddy before enjoying our meal
One thing I am missing in Paris is my own kitchen. For those who don't already know, I love to bake and cook.  I find it very therapeutic, so when I go too long without baking I feel a little lost. Fortunately, I have been able to cook dinner at my friend's apartment. However, I am still lacking an oven. Furthermore, all of the food blogs I check have been posting delicious pumpkin recipes, all of which I am dying to try! 

Her wonderful spices and cookbooks
Last night I satisfied a bit of this craving with a cooking class. My three girlfriends and I signed up for a class with a parisian woman at her apartment. We made one of the most delicious meals I have yet to have in Paris: a tart with zucchini and goat cheese, poulet basquaise with couscous, and a real french creme brûlée! It was divine! I will let the photos speak for themselves! (I apologize to the serious yellow hue... everything in her kitchen was yellow and provided a less than ideal lighting for these photos).

Fresh goat cheese, sautéed zucchini, combing les deux

Finished tart. So light and delish!

Browned the chicken, sautéed the peppers etc., combined with tomatoes

Sugar with fresh vanilla bean, creme brûlée pre then post baking

"brûlée"-ing the creme with a scalding branding iron!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD JORDAN!!!! Make me all those things when you get back PLEASE!
