Thursday, November 8, 2012


I have surpassed 2,000 views!! Thank you so much to all of you who have been reading my blog! It means more to me than you know! I was mildly skeptical as to how exactly this blog would progress. I set out with the intention of creating a different version of a journal that I could look back on in the future. Now, this blog has become a vehicle through which I can communicate with those I miss, chronicle my adventures, and really reflect on the amazing opportunities I have been experiencing. It is as much for me as it is for you! Your attention and feedback have meant so much to me!
While I have absolutely fallen in love with Paris (post to come about this), I miss you all immensely and  cannot wait to see you in the near future! I have found that I when I used to say "miss you" I didn't always truly mean it. Now, I do. 
I cannot believe that I am over half way finished and only have 6 weeks left! I am going to continue to eat well, travel often, and make the most of my time here... and blog about it of course!

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