Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Best Laid Plans

In case you did not already know,  I am a bit of a control freak. I like having lists and concrete plans. I love the idea of spontaneity, but when I try to execute something spontaneous, I just end up planning it out and thinking it through.

I suppose in the grand scheme of things this isn't necessarily the worst trait I could have. It definitely drives me to be more responsible and organized. However, I am learning that this isn't necessarily the European way, or at least it hasn't been so far. Furthermore, this has definitely contributed to the difficulty of my transition.

Finally, there seems to be a little more structure! I have picked my classes (all taught in French): our required French language practicum and academic writing, an art history course, a political culture course and a joint seminar with the Sorbonne on international cooperation and sustainability (right up my alley).

We have also scheduled a good chunk of our trips: Munich this weekend for Oktoberfest (expect a delay in posts, but hopefully an exciting recap after), Geneva the first weekend in October, Barcelona the following weekend, Brussels the following weekend, and London for Thanksgiving. We are also looking into Rome, Strasbourg in December for their fantastic Christmas fair, and possibly Ireland!

As lame as it may sound, filling in my calendar with flights and assignments has helped me relax and begin to feel more settled here. That being said, I am also trying to learn to be a bit more spontaneous and to appreciate the adventures life may throw my way. I have been encouraging myself to lay in the gardens, sit in cafes, make observations, wander museums, take the long way home,  appreciate the big experiences and the small moments, etc...

As everyone, including myself, keeps reminding me: this is a once in a lifetime experience, so make the most of it! Everyday is an unknown adventure, you just have to approach it that way. Therefore, I am attempting to maintain my more-or-less responsible, list-loving personality while embracing my growing sense of spontaneity and adventure. If I did not, I probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to make a crepe in a crepe stand tonight! (Definitely something I have always wanted to do!) As fun, and delicious, as it was, I am going to keep my crepe making as a passion, not a profession.

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