Thursday, September 6, 2012

Les Excursions

1eme Arrondissement and Covered Passage Architecture

While there are many things I miss about Hopkins, homework is not one of them. It is still orientation week here for our program, so half the day we learn the opportunities Reid Hall offers, and the other half we go on excursions. I have had the pleasure of admiring the impressionist exhibit at the Musee d'Orsay, wandering around the Marais to see some of the oldest buildings in Paris, and cutting through covered passages that once held bourgeois boutiques (see photos below).

Clock in Musee d'Orsay, Seine, Cathedral in the 1eme

Parisian Street Art

Each of these excursions uncovered gems of Paris, many hidden by unexciting facades. After sliding behind a door that resembled 6 others on that block, we uncovered a beautiful garden right in the middle of Paris. Here, one of our professors who was guiding our tour encouraged us to "pousser la porte" (push open the door) because you never know what gems you may uncover behind it.

The Marais

1eme Arrondissement, Musee d'Orsay, 1eme Arr.

After these well-planned excursions, my friends and I went on a few of our own. This afternoon, after  refueling with a café creme, we split from the group to admire some Parisian classics on Rue de Madeleine and Rue St. Honoré. We hopped off the metro, which we have now mastered, and stumbled right into the preparations for Vogue's Fashion Night Out. All of the high-end boutiques were rolling out the velvet ropes and double checking their guests lists.

We popped into Ladurée to enjoy some macarons amidst the madness. After inhaling the small, round, bites of heaven, we sneaked into a store to check out the Fashion Night Out festivities and enjoy a glass of pink champagne. What a fabulous preview into the weekend!

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